Saturday, December 28, 2013
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Friday, March 15, 2013
Civic Issue Needs your Attention
There are two things I would like you to consider:
1. If possible to give a monetary donation to the Hudson family legal defense fund anything helps. Whatever money is leftover after their fight with the township, the Hudson family will set aside and donate to the next family who has to fight for their rights to homestead. You can donate by going to the Hudson Family blog link that is included above.
2. Write to the township officials and let them know that you support the Hudson family. By sending lots of letter and bringing awareness to this situation hopefully the township will back down. If this township can do this what is stopping other areas from doing this. There is prior legal precedence that allows this family to homestead because they sell products from there farm but the township is ignoring Michigans Right To Farm law. I have included my email to the township at the bottom. Please be respectful while letting them know that the Hudson family is not alone.
Here is the address and email address of the township officials:
4990 N. Zimmer Road, Williamston, MI 48895-8180
Phone: (517) 655-3193
Fax:(517) 655-3971
- – Supervisor-Mickey Martin
- – Clerk-Ernie Gaffner
- – Treasurer-Mike Fielek
- -Janet Eyster
- -Robert Hayes
- Williams
- Imhoff
My Email:
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Self Sustainability and Disaster Preparedness with Food
I have a couple of big issues in regards to self sustainability and preparedness in regards to food. One is that I know absolutely nothing about gardening, dehydrating, canning, and very little about hunting!!! Second is that as a military member if I have a year worth of back-up food I have to move that to my next location and that much food is heavy, also will eat into my weight allowance quickly. I do not have the room the room to garden on a large scale and living in D.C. makes it very difficult to hunt, even if I got a Virginia hunting license I could not keep a gun in D.C. without extensive registration requirements. This was enough to discourage me initially but finally I came up with a plan.
We decided that our third piece of the puzzle would be for me to learn to hunt better and for me to spend more time hunting in general next fall. Also we decided that my wife needs to learn to hunt as well because if something happens to me she needs to be capable of stepping up for our girls. We will move to Texas in August and at that point I will start working with her on hunting and hunter safety. The good thing when it comes to hunters is they are rarely shy when it comes to teaching people to hunt. My father-in-law, who was a professional hunting guide for 10 years, has agreed to help me refine my skills and fill in the gaps teaching my wife. Another benefit of teaching her to hunt is that it doubles the amount of meat we can put in the freezer.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Finally Finished
Another reason to go to school NOW
By getting your education now you are hedging against the rising cost of education. Odds are good that the education you could get now will cost you more later. This is the same idea as when Southwest bought a ridiculous amount of fuel to hedge against rising fuel cost. Then later when fuel prices increased they were able to keep their ticket prices lower because their fuel cost were lower than the other airlines.
I Repeat
Traditional college is not for everyone but that does let anyone off the hook. If you choose not to go to college you need to learn a trade and either way you need to learn to be the best you can at that trade whether you learn to be a welder, plumber or become a cashier. There is nothing wrong with those jobs and truthfully right now those skills are more marketable than most under graduate degrees If you have the 9/11 Military education bill (GI Bill) you can use it for trade schools, so use it.
Do Something
No matter what you decide, learning is a life long process. If you do not want to attend college or go to trade school find a passion and learn about it. If you are reading this you have access to the internet and there more on the internet than anywhere else about just about anything. Ask a lot of college degree holders and they will tell you almost everything they learned in the classroom they could have learned with a library card. The piece of paper at the end shows fortitude more than anything else.
No Lone Wolfing It
Most successful people have a network that helped them become successful. We love to romanticize about making to the top all on our own but the truth of the matter is few people truly get to the top completely without help. Seek out people who are willing to share their knowledge and experience. If you go to school join associations and network with other students, especially if you go online. A large amount of my fellow students online were already establish in mid level jobs or successful business owners and they had a ton of knowledge to share. Networks are living organisms that require nourishing and they take work but they can be mutually beneficial to all members.
Coming Up Next...
Next blog I will discuss food storage plans, specifically garden plans.
Please send me comments and feedback. I also would appreciate any ideas for blogs you would like to see addressed.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Quick Post
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Priority one
We already own a shot gun and .22 rifle both are 40 plus years old but the work as good as they did new. They we given to me by my grandfather. The said thing is I have to have them locked up in Virginia because Washington DC has strict gun laws making it difficult to have hunting and defense tools. FYI you have to register Pepper Spray with the police department as well. Since we are live on a tight budget we could not just go out and buy a small armory so we will have to buy guns one by one.
I decided that we would start by getting us each a handgun. The main reason I went with a handgun first is a simple reason and a reason any of us who are married understand. We went with a handgun because that is what she wanted. This is not simply just a good idea to keep mama happy but it is important to give each family members a vested interest. So I decided to buy her a handgun first.
Picking out a handgun can be a complexing and confusing decision, especially for someone else. I am going to give you a quick background on my wife so that you will better understand my thought process. My wife is 5'1", petite and had never fired a gun before. Therefore I had to get her a gun that would be safe, she would enjoy shooting it and have confidence that it would stop a bad guy. There are many different calibers but I settled on 9mm. A 9mm is common round that is cheap enough to shoot regularly and will stop a bad guy. Plus I had experience with 9mm and I knew we could get a 9mm that would be light enough for her to carry. Please consider weight and size of the person if you plan to gain a concealed carry permit.
Now picking a 9mm handgun is still difficult because every company carries one, so a lot of it is open to preference. Most handguns if maintained properly will last almost forever. I am a firm believer in buying the most gun you can afford but a cheap gun now will defend you better now than an expensive gun later. So after looking around for months and considering our budget I decided to go with a Taurus 709 Slim.
I read all of the reviews and considering our budget seemed like a good fit. I am not going to give a thorough review of the gun because there are lots of better sources for a review out there. There are couple of things we realized after putting 700 rounds through it. One thing we realized is that this is probably one of the safest guns possible with a safety on the back and then a pressure safety in the trigger itself. It is incredibly safe almost to the point of being annoying. The second thing is that this gun does not like some of the cheaper rounds, specifically the tulle ammo.
Now that she has this handgun she has become interested in handguns and is always willing to go places to look at handguns and is allowing me to spend more for my handgun. I am looking at getting a Smith & Wesson MP 45acp. If I had not bought hers first and got her interested in handguns she never would have allowed me to spend this kind of money on a gun.
We went to a gun show yesterday to look around and it was fun to see all of the innovative products out there. We went for the entertainment value because we had no intention of buying anything. When looking at guns make sure you shop around. Most places seem to sell the guns at a consistent price no matter where you go but you want to find a place that can help you after the sale. When teaching someone to use a gun of any kind SAFETY IS PARAMOUNT. Please take the time to integrate safety into your shooting time but do not make them scared of the weapon.
Now I firmly believe security is not only about guns and there are many things people who own there own home can do. Since we live on base we cannot make changes to the house I decided to focus on another aspect of security. I am going to start taking self defense/martial arts training. I think it is important to be able to defend yourself without a gun. Also an important thing that you gain from this kind of training is learning to keep your mind working well being hit because human tendency is to act on rage once we are hit. I will give updates on how this goes.
Thank you for reading my blog and please leave feedback so I can make changes to our blog to give people what they desire. Please post questions below or email questions to me at Good luck and get started!!!
Sunday, February 3, 2013
When it struck us
If you have lists of your own I would interested in seeing them and sharing them with others who read this blog please include them in the comment section below. I would love to hear you comments, thoughts and feedback on our list.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Hang In There with Me and It will be Worth It
The next blog will be a background of why and how I got started working on my preparedness. I also will discuss some skills/projects I am working on. Then in future blogs I will cover those projects and my line of thought on them in much more detail.
Please leave me messages if you have any questions or ideas of things you would like to see covered. I want this to be your blog as well as mine. Have a great weekend!!!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Mission Statement
I thought I would start my blogging experience by laying out what people can expect from my post. I will key in on aspects of sustainability that are unique to those of us in the military and really anyone that is in a job where they move a lot. I have really been feeling not prepared enough lately and when you look for preparedness information mostly it seems you find people stocking enough food for years or those hardcore snake eaters who plan to survive out of there bug out bag forever. All that is great but what about those of us who have to move regularly for the military or any job for that matter, we cannot move a stockpile of food, weapons or equipment. I will discuss pretty much any topic that relates to sustainability and encourage people to email me with feedback and information. It is important to me that this blog is transactional in nature. I am by far not an expert in sustainability but I strive to get closer to self sustainability. I will give you a background up to where I am at now and then you will be able to follow me through my journey toward self sufficiency.
I get asked all the time if I am a "prepper?" My answer to that is I believe in being ready for situations but I am not like those guys on "Doomsday Preppers." I think we all need to strive to be able to take care of ourselves in the event there is a natural disaster, food shortage or even if we loose a job. I am not saying there is anything wrong with accepting assistance if you need it short term but I encourage people not to depend on it. Also if you are prepared to handle situations they often times do not feel like as big of an emergency.
I also get asked if I am a survivalist? I am not a survivalist by the radical definition that people have thrown on that term. I think there are important skills we need to redevelop in order to survive but this concept that we are all going to be in the deep woods starting fires with bow drills is not likely even in a total collapse scenario.
This blog will focus on things people can do to create a HOMESTEAD no matter how temporary your location may be and with things that military and other people who move regularly for work can do for preparedness.
Please let me know if you have any topics you would like me to discuss.